Gold Panning Operation
Prospecting for placer gold is normally done with a gold pan or similar instrument to wash free gold particles from loose surface sediment. The use of gold pans is centuries old, but is still common among prospectors and miners with little financial backing.Once placer gold is discovered, the gold pan is usually replaced by sluices or mechanical devices to wash greater volumes of material. Discovery of placer gold has often resulted in discovery of hardrock gold deposits when the placers are traced to their sources.
Gold Washing Plant
Gold washing is also known as gold panning. There are three types of gold washing: wet washing, dry washing and electrical washing. Each has one thing in common: the object of every method of washing is to allow the lighter material to float out of the top of the pan, while the gold or heavier material sinks to the bottom of the pan. If washing is done correctly, when most of the dirt or black sand leaves the pan, the gold should remain in the pan.
In gold processing operation, gold washing machine works together with crushing plant, grinding mill, screening machine and belt conveyor, all these machinery combines a complete gold production line and produce high grade gold concentrates. If you are interested, please contact us for detailed information.
Used Gold Washing Plant
Small scale processing for placer gold has been seen in many parts of the world including New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada and the United States. These small operators don't want to pay much for new equipment. They preper used gold washing plant, which is with low price and excellent performance, and helps improve gold processing efficiency. If you want to know used gold washing plant price or any other information, please feel free to chat online with us.